Technical Documentation LogProcessor

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In the LogProcessor module we have implemented the analysis of the Log of the exercises and the exportation of the results to a CSV file. Besides, you can produce graphs and pattern analyses of some type of exercises.


Use Case

In the use case diagram you can see the available actions that you can perform with this module, such as Analyse a log, Export analysis to a CSV file, Analyse patterns or Produce graphs using data form Log files of the exercises.

Case use diagram of the processor of logs

Class Diagram of the Log Reader

In the class diagram of the log reader you can see the AbstractCommonLogGraph class which is used to produce graphs (CommonLogGraph) and the pattern analyses (CommonLogPattern). The diagram also contains the AbstractCommonLogProcessor class which is used to read logs from the database (CommonLogProcessor) or from a disk file (CommonFileLogProcessor).

Class diagram of the log reader

Class Diagram of the Log Events

In the class diagram of the log events you can see the events hierarchy that the program use. As you can see, there is a division between events of the pointing device (AbstractPointerEvent) and the exercise events (LogEvent).

Class diagram of the log events

Class Diagram of the Log Processor

In the class diagram of the log processor you can see the existing division between the processors of the Aprendo module exercises (AbstractAprendoProcessor) and the Leo module exercises (AbstractLeoProcessor). Note that there is a specific class for processing logs of each type of exercises.

Class diagram of the log processor

Class Diagram of the Graphs of Logs

In the class diagram of the log graphs you can see several classes (DirectionalGraph, PointsDensityGraph and AllPointsGraph) which can be included into the panel containing graphs called GraphPanel. Note that the GraphPanel can also be included into the panel of pattern analysis (PatternStudyPanel) which contains two classes; PatternList and PatternUserList.

Class diagram of the graphs of logs

Class Diagram of the Results Exporter

In the class diagram of the results exporter you can see a division between the classes of the Aprendo module exercises (they inherit from AbstractAprendoExporter class) and the Leo ones (they inherit from AbstractLeoExporter).

Class diagram of the results exporter

Class Diagram of the Log Player

In the class diagram of the log player you can see a division between the classes of the Aprendo module (AbstractAprendoPlayer) and the Leo module ones (AbstractLeoPlayer). There is a specific class for each exercise. These classes implement the proper engine for the player depending on the exercise to be played. Note that the class used for replaying exercise events (AbstractExercisePlayer) and the class for pointing device events (MouseEventsGlassPane) inherit from the AbstractPlayerComponent class.

Class diagrama of the log player

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