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When an Exercise has been done, a Log file is generated. It is an XML file which is divided into four sections at the most:

Here are defined the type of exercise, the pupil code, the date and mode of the execution and the window's size in which the exercise has been executed.
Exercise section
It contains information about the exercise. This section is optional.
AbstractLog section
It contains the high-level events of the exercise.
MouseLog section
It contains the low-level events of the pointer device.
PaintedPointsLog section
It contains the low-level events of the drawing panel.

Note that the data in the exercise and abstracLog sections depends on the exercise type.

Finally, in the mouseLog section there can only be events of these kinds:

  • Pointer press.
  • Pointer drag.
  • Pointer release.
  • Pointer activation.

While the paintedPointsLog section can also contain events of the following types:

  • Colour change.
  • Size change.
  • Tool change.


The APRENDO logs contains all the actions that the pupil did while he/she was completing the exercise.

A log example

<session pupil="316" exercise="0" name="vocabularioFruta" date="27-abr-2010 11:40:26" time="11:40:26" mode="LEARNING" width="1102" height="571">

       <action action="COMMON_CLICK_OUT" time="0" description=""/>
       <action action="2" time="36131" description="">
           <image imageid="fruta/manzana.svg" relativeid="2" concept="fruta/manzana.svg"/>
       <action action="2" time="36724" description="">
           <image imageid="fruta/frambuesa.svg" relativeid="7" concept="fruta/frambuesa.svg"/>
       <action action="1" time="37419" description="">
           <image imageid="fruta/cereza.svg" relativeid="0" concept="fruta/cereza.svg"/>
       <action action="COMMON_CLICK_OUT" time="45263" description=""/>
       <action time="0" action="1" x="604" y="289"/>
       <action time="0" action="3" x="604" y="289"/>
       <action time="0" action="4" x="604" y="289"/>
       <action time="36132" action="1" x="140" y="354"/>
       <action time="36204" action="3" x="140" y="354"/>
       <action time="36204" action="4" x="140" y="354"/>
       <action time="36725" action="1" x="337" y="365"/>
       <action time="36787" action="3" x="337" y="365"/>
       <action time="36787" action="4" x="337" y="365"/>
       <action time="37419" action="1" x="158" y="168"/>
       <action time="37607" action="3" x="158" y="168"/>
       <action time="37607" action="4" x="158" y="168"/>
       <action time="45263" action="1" x="241" y="282"/>
       <action time="45279" action="2" x="240" y="282"/>
       <action time="45279" action="3" x="240" y="282"/>


Log labels

Nombre Value Descripción
pupil Integer Id del alumno en la base de datos
mouselog Define el log de acciones de ratón



Nombre Value Descripción
exercise Integer Define el log de acciones abstractas
name String El nombre que identifica al ejercicio
date Date Fecha de realización del ejercicio
mode [Evaluation, Learning] Modo de realizacíon del ejercicio
width Integer Ancho del panel del ejercicio
height Integer Altura del panel del ejercicio



Nombre Descripción
action Acción de alto nivel realizada por el alumno


Nombre Value Descripción
action String Acción de alto nivel realizada por el alumno
time Integer Milisegundos transcurridos desde el comienzo del ejercicio
description String Descripción de la acción



Nombre Descripción
action Acción de ratón realizada por el alumno



Nombre Value Descripción
time Integer Milisegundos transcurridos desde el comienzo del ejercicio
action [1,2,3,4] 1: Click, 2: Pressed, 3: Dragged, 4: Released
x Integer Coordenada x de la pantalla donde se realizó la acción
y Integer Coordenada y de la pantalla donde se realizó la acción
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