Create Comprensión de Palabras exercise
From PatioWiki
The window that shows the characteristics that must be specified to create a new exercise of type Comprension de Palabras is the following:
//Captura de la ventana de creacion de la actividad Comprension de Palabras//
The options to specify are divided into two groups depending on the purpose for which you want to create the activity (learning or evaluation).
- General parameters. These parameters are common to the two working modes.
The options to specify are:- Name of the activity..
- Writing mode: depending on which option is chosen, the letters of exercise appear in uppercase or lowercase.
- Letters: these options allow you choose the letters of the alphabet with which you can build words during the exercise.
- Description: this field allows you include a brief description of the exercise you are creating.
- Evaluation mode parameters. The option specified here is only valid if the exercise is performed in evaluation mode.
The option to specify is:- Number of words: through this field you specify how many different words the pupil has to build when he performs this exercise in evaluation mode.