

Dpto. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación.
E.T.S.I. Informática.

Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 35. Campus de Teatinos.
Universidad de Málaga.
29071. Málaga (España).


Phone: +34 952 13 28 12

Fax: +34 952 13 13 97

Junta de Andalucía Unión Europea



June 24-27, 2013

New York City, United States


Workshop on Full-body Technologies, Playful Interaction & Children with Special Needs: A Wealth of Potential

Since many years, academics and practitioners are trying to use ICTs in the therapy and education of disabled children. This full day workshop will examine the opportunities of combing two technology-enhanced learning paradigms that have received increasing interest in e-learning research, namely: Game-based Learning (or Playful Learning) and Full-body Interaction (oftentimes referred to as Motion-based Computing or Motion Based Interaction). 

Research in playful motion-based interaction is still quite young and there are many challenges and unanswered questions, especially in relationship to the education of disabled children, for whom the combination of these two paradigms can have an enormous beneficial potential. This workshop will address the following issues:

?      How to design full-bodied interactions suitable for practicing certain skills and activities for children with special needs?

?      How to make design decisions grounded in theoretical knowledge about children?s abilities and interests?

?      How to involve children and other stakeholders (teachers, educators, therapists) in the development of full-bodied interactive technologies for children with special needs?

?      How to verify assumptions about abilities and interests of children in various phases of the development process?

?      How to evaluate the effectiveness of full-bodied interactive learning applications, especially in relationship to children with special needs?

We aim at bringing together researchers from a wide spectrum of disciplines who work in interactive technology for children with special needs with a special focus on full bodied interaction, or are interested in exploring the challenges of these technology for these subjects. In particular, we aim at involving psychologists, therapists, educators, medical personnel, experts in special needs, as well as engineers, programmers, computer scientists working in full-body interaction, and interaction designers for children.

Important Dates:

Position Paper submission: March 18th, 2013

Notification to authors: April 19th, 2013

Camera ready version due: May 3rd, 2013

For further information,  please contact Tilde Bekker ( Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla ).




Program Committee




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