ICALT 2012 |
XII IEEE International conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning (ICALT 2012)
Organized by IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology and IaD School of Tor Vergata University of Rome at the headquarters of the Italian National Council of Research (CNR).Rome, July 4-6, 2012 The theme for ICALT 2012 is "Growing by Architecting on top of our Memories", with design inspired learning, fostering creativity and fun, complex educational experiences and their monitoring, ubiquitous learning and flexible environments as featured topics. ? Full list of Topics of Interest can be found at the Conference website. ? The technical program will feature keynote addresses, workshops, tutorials, panels, two new tracks - Industrial track and European project track - in addition to presentations of standard full and short papers, posters and doctoral consortium's contributions. Important datesDecember 30, 2011: Submissions All types (Papers, Workshops, Panels and Tutorials) February 1, 2012: Authors' Notification on the review process results March 15, 2012: Authors' Registration Deadline April 1, 2012: Final Camera-Ready Manuscript and IEEE Copyright Form submission April 15, 2012: Early Bird Registration |